Noticias en Breve
Reglamento de Arbitraje del SIAC entra en vigor; nuevo reglamento de la CCE incluye apéndice sobre controversias de tratados de inversión El 1 de enero de 2017, entró en vigencia […]
Laudos y Decisiones
Tribunal del CIADI desestima demanda contra Indonesia por falsificación de licencias mineras Churchill Mining PLC y Planet Mining Pty Ltd vs. la República de Indonesia, Caso del CIADI No. ARB/12/14 […]
Noticias en Breve
(English) Trump election affects mega-regional negotiations including TTIP, TPP and RCEP
Brazil and India initial Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT); text yet to be published
CETA signed; Canada and European Union to “work expeditiously” on creating a Multilateral Investment Court
Laudos y Decisiones
(English) Venezuela to Pay Us$1 Billion For Expropriating Canadian Mining Company’s Investment
ICSID Tribunal dismisses MFN Clause in WTO GATS as a means of importing Senegal’s consent to arbitration from third party BIT
PCA tribunal deemed acts of Polish Agricultural Property Agency not attributable to Poland
Claimant not considered Investor due to interpretation of “Seat” under Cyprus–Montenegro BIT
Ecuador’s Levy on extraordinary oil profits at a 99% rate has breached Murphy’s legitimate expectations, decides PCA tribunal
Ecuador ordered by PCA tribunal to pay $24 million to Canadian Mining Company
Noticias en Breve
Laudos de US$50 mil millones contra Rusia en el caso Yukos desestimados por tribunal holandés
Borrador de ATCI será elaborado para julio; ISDS se basará en propuestas de Unión Europea y Estados Unidos
TBI entre China y Estados Unidos: se incluirá ISDS; negociaciones en curso sobre listas negativas
Tres disputas mineras: vienen a público las primeras controversias de inversión contra Colombia
AECG entre Canadá y la Unión Europea celebrado nuevamente en febrero para incorporar propuesta de ICS de la UE
Segunda demanda contra Uruguay ante el CIADI; decisión sobre el caso Philip Morris aún pendiente
Centro Internacional de Arbitraje de Singapur lanza reglamento de arbitraje de inversión
Awards and Decisions
(English) ICSID Tribunal Awards Damages for Venezuela’s Indirect Expropriation of Steel Industry Investment
The first ICSID case against Guinea is dismissed for lack of Jurisdiction
Slovenia is condemned to pay 20 million euros in damagesand US$10 million in costs to Croatian National Electric Company
The only known investment treaty arbitration against Equatorial Guinea fails on jurisdictional grounds
ICSID tribunal orders Zimbabwe to return expropriated farms
Resources and Events
Tratados de Inversión Suizos: Tiempos de cambio
El Sistema de Tribunales de Inversiones Puesto a Prueba: La nueva propuesta europea perpetuará los ataques de los inversores a la salud y el medio ambiente
Visiones Alternativas al Derecho Internacional de las Inversiones Extranjeras: Ensayos en honor a Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah
Repensando los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión: Temas clave y opciones de políticas
La OMC y el Derecho Internacional de las Inversiones: Sistemas convergentes
La Asociación Transpacífica, Parte I: Un trato que fue demasiado lejos
Impactos de la Inversión Directa de China en el Exterior sobre la Sustentabilidad: Una revisión de la literatura
Cambio de Paradigma en el Derecho Internacional de las Inversiones: Más equilibrado, menos aislado, cada vez más diversificado
Noticias en Breve
Acuerdo Transpacífico firmado en Auckland; Experto Independiente de la ONU insta a los Estados a garantizar el espacio normativo El 4 de febrero de 2016, los ministros de comercio de […]
Resources and Events
(English) Resources published between October 2015 and March 2016; events between February and April 2016
Laudos y Decisiones
Tribunal de la CNUDMI concluye que evaluación ambiental conducida por Canadá violó el nivel de trato mínimo conforme al derecho internacional y el estándar de trato nacional William Ralph Clayton, […]
Recursos y Eventos
Recursos Manual del IISD sobre la Negociación de Contratos Mineros para Países en vías de Desarrollo, Volumen I: Preparándose para el Éxito Por Howard Mann, Publicado por el International Institute […]
Awards and Decisions
Although finding largely in favour of Venezuela, ICSID tribunal awards US$1.4 billion to Exxon-Mobil for 2007 expropriations Venezuela Holdings, B.V., Mobil Cerro Negro Holding, Ltd., Mobil Venezolana de Petroleos Holdings, […]
Resources and Events
Resources IISD Best Practices Series: Performance Requirements in Investment Treaties By Suzy H. Nikièma, published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, December 2014 The paper surveys the types of […]
News in Brief
New European Commissioners suggest that ISDS may be shut out of the TTIP The new President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said on October 22, 2014 that there is […]
UNCTAD Multi-Stakeholder Meeting Seeks Reform of Investment Treaties and Investment Dispute Settlement
More than 50 high-level representatives from governments, including ministers, as well as senior business representatives, international and civil society organizations convened in Geneva, Switzerland on October 16, 2014, to address […]
Resources and Events
Resources The IISD Guide to Negotiating Investment Contracts for Farmland and Water By Carin Smaller, published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, November 2014 The IISD Guide to Negotiating […]
Resources and Events
Resources World Investment Report 2014 United Nations Conference on Trade and Sustainable Development, June 2014 UNCTAD’s World Investment Report is an annual publication that focuses on trends in foreign direct […]
Awards and Decisions
Majority clears Peru of any wrongdoing in relation to close down of French-owned bank; dissenting arbitrator says that majority misconstrued facts and law Renée Rose Levy de Levi v. Republic of […]
Risky Business or Risky Politics: What Explains Investor-State Disputes?
While there is a fair amount of scholarly work on the determinants of expropriation, we know less about the political and economic conditions under which the broader category of investor-state disputes take place. This article provides a statistical analysis of political and economic factors that contribute to the likelihood of an investor-state dispute; and a qualitative coding of measures which have resulted in arbitration cases.
Aron Broches and the Withdrawal of Unilateral Offers of Consent to Investor-State Arbitration
Several States have terminated bilateral investment treaties as they came up for renewal. The effectiveness of BIT termination, however, is limited by the “survival clauses” that are frequently included in IIAs. These provisions state that even after the treaty is terminated it will continue to apply to investments that were made while the treaty was in force for an additional 10 or 15 years.
Resources and Events
Resources Recent Development’s in Investor-State Dispute Settlement United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, April 2014 UNCTAD’s annual review of investor-State dispute settlement cases, part of the IIA Issues Notes […]
Awards and Decisions
Libya ordered to pay US$935 million to Kuwaiti company for cancelled investment project; jurisdiction established under Unified Agreement for the Investment of Arab Capital Mohamed Abdulmohsen Al-Kharafi & Sons Co. […]
State Liability for Regulatory Change: How International Investment Rules are Overriding Domestic Law
With governments around the world pushing efforts to negotiate and approve mega-investment treaties, it is important to be clear on just what these investment treaties do and do not mean. This article compares U.S. domestic law and international treaty rules on state liability for regulatory changes. It shows that arbitral tribunals have interpreted investment treaty rules in a manner far more favorable to the interests of investors than the approaches adopted in U.S. courts.
Awards and Decisions
Claim against Turkmenistan dismissed for lack of jurisdiction; claimant failed to abide by domestic litigation requirement Kılıç İnşaat İthalat İhracat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi v. Turkmenistan, ICSID Case No. […]
Online Statements by National Investment Boards or Agencies and Their Potential Legal Effects
National investment boards or agencies operate in several countries with a view to attract foreign investment. Towards this objective, they often maintain websites highlighting the advantages of investing in their country. This article surveys some common categories of representations and promises made on the websites of national investment boards and discusses their potential legal implications.
New UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules on Transparency: Application, Content and Next Steps
In July 2013, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) adopted a package of rules aiming to ensure transparency in investor-State arbitration, ratifying the work done by delegations to UNCITRAL—comprised of 55 Member States, additional observer States and observer organizations—over the course of nearly three years of negotiations. With the adoption of the new rules, there is now a carefully negotiated and widely approved template that can serve as a model for how to conduct investor-State arbitrations transparently.
Resources and Events
Resources Investment Contracts for Farmland and Water: 10 Steps Carin Smaller, International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2013 This brief paper outlines 10 important steps to follow when negotiating investment contracts […]