IISD Trade and Sustainability Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2020
This inaugural edition of IISD's Trade and Sustainability Review features analytical pieces and commentaries on a series of topics at the forefront of the trade and sustainability discussion.
Articles included in this edition are:
- An Introduction, by Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder
- Sustainable Trade After COVID-19: Can we do better?, by Aik Hoe Lim
- WTO Talks on Fishing Subsidies Crucial to Safeguard Marine Resources, by Alice Tipping
- How Has COVID-19 Affected Costa Rica’s Biggest Organic Spice Farm?, by Jennifer Freedman
- U.S.–Kenya Trade Talks Begin: What could they mean?, by Sofia Baliño
- Negotiations to Discipline Fossil Fuel Subsidies and the Neglected Role of Data, by Ronald P. Steenblik
- Anticipating International Economic Challenges in a Post-Pandemic World, by Nicholas Woolley
The publication also features a "newsroom" that provides brief recaps of some of the latest developments in trade policy, including the WTO Director-General's race, the debate over a waiver to some of the WTO's intellectual property rules as part of the COVID-19 response, and an update on the joint statement initiatives (JSIs) under discussion by some WTO Members, among other topics.
The Trade and Sustainability Review is part of IISD's work on promoting transparency and supporting informed trade conversations. This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government; however, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.
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