Down to Earth Podcast
This is a podcast about extraordinary ideas for a better world. We ask questions about the greatest sustainability challenges facing our planet today, then track down experts to help answer them.

How to Protect Africa's Great Lakes
This episode introduces you to the African Great Lakes and explains why they matter to so many people.

How to Achieve a Fossil-Free Recovery
This episode is about one of today's biggest challenges: recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic in a way that helps build a resilient and fossil-free economy.

How to Deal with Climate Change Without Getting Depressed
This episode explores the impacts of climate change on mental health, and what we can do about it.

How to Turn Fast Fashion into Sustainable Fashion
This episode is about sustainability in the clothing industry and how years of over-consumption and unsafe manufacturing has led to a counter-industry striving to do better.

How a Great Green Wall is Bringing Life Back to the Desert
This episode is about an initiative covering 780 million hectares in Africa to combat climate change, desertification, poverty, and food insecurity.

How Farmers in Zanzibar Are Tackling Climate Change From the Ground Up
This episode reveals how farmers on a small island off Tanzania are finding creative ways to regenerate the local ecosystem and adapt to climate change.
How to Protect Fresh Water from Oil Spills
This episode looks at what freshwater scientists are trying to accomplish by spilling oil into a remote lake and the unusual solution they've found to help clean up future oil spills.

Down to Earth: Trailer
Hear a preview of our podcast, focused on extraordinary ideas for a better world. Each episode tackles a different sustainability challenge.