
Investment Treaty News

Investment Treaty News is IISD's long-running flagship journal, offering our global readership the latest news, analysis, and ideas on how international investment impacts sustainable development. A must-read for investment policy-makers and academics across the world.

Investment Treaty News (ITN) has been providing news, analysis, and new thinking on the link between investment law and policy and sustainable development since 2001. Beginning life as a Listserv platform for decision-makers, government officials, practitioners, researchers, students, and others to exchange topical information and views, ITN has since evolved into a trilingual web-based platform and quarterly publication serving a community of over 5,000 subscribers across the world. It provides:

  • Analysis: Insights from a wide range of contributors on issues and topics at the intersection of investment law and policy and sustainable development.
  • News: Brief reports on the latest developments in this sphere—including the work of UNCITRAL Working Group III on investor–state dispute settlement reform, the structured discussions on investment facilitation at the World Trade Organization, and the Energy Charter Treaty modernization negotiations.
  • Awards: Summaries and analyses of recent investment arbitration awards and decisions with sustainable development implications.
  • Resources: Links to books, publications, and other resources of interest to the international investment community.
  • Events: A calendar of investment-related events and activities.


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