Self-Assessment Tool for the Implementation of the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement
As World Trade Organization Members prepare for the entry into force of the new Agreement on Fisheries Subsides reached in June 2022 at their Twelfth Ministerial Conference, this new tool aims to support their efforts to put the Agreement into practice.
This self-assessment tool has been developed to support World Trade Organization (WTO) members in their implementation of the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement. Public officials can use the tool to conduct a self-assessment exercise on what changes they should make at home and identify where assistance may be needed. The tool consists of a checklist and related guide.
The tool allows public officials to:
- Collect key information and data needed for implementing the Agreement.
- Determine if their government’s domestic policies and practices are currently aligned with the treaty and what may need changing.
- Assess whether mechanisms are in place at home to enable ongoing alignment with the new WTO disciplines and, when such mechanisms are lacking, articulate where domestic authorities may need technical assistance and/or capacity-building support.
The checklist is the core of the self-assessment exercise and consists of various tables that users can fill out. The guide is a supporting document that provides more general explanations of the Agreement’s rules and detailed information on how to fill out the checklist’s tables. Government officials can download and use this tool confidentially within their respective administrations. Governments can also share the results of the self-assessment with development partners to communicate where they may need technical assistance.
While this is a tool that is of particular relevance to developing country and least developed country WTO Members, it can be used by any WTO Member. These materials do not constitute formal legal advice, including on how best to implement the Agreement or on the consistency of any specific measure within WTO rules.
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