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Energy Subsidies - International

From the UNFCCC to the SDGs, and from the G20 to APEC, GSI is involved in international processes and fora to push for Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and transparency.



GSI works with CSO coalitions for action on reform alongside ODI and OCI. GSI supports the work of the Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform.

Talking Energy Subsidy Reform in the Ukrainian Parliament

The roundtable on the theme of “Energy subsidies in Ukraine and progress of reform” was jointly held by the Committee on Fuel and the Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety of the Parliament of Ukraine and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Kyiv on April 25, 2016. This was the second in the series of events linked to the OECD-led project “Inventory of Energy Subsidies in the EU’s Eastern Partnership Countries", supported by the IISD Global Subsidies Initiative (IISD-GSI) and consultants in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine. A draft report on "Energy subsidies in Ukraine" (available in English and Ukranian) was prepared by IISD-GSI to inform the discussion.  

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Blog: Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform: Big at the Climate Talks and in the Agreement?

World leaders hailed that the climate change agreement, agreed on Saturday 12 December, was important and significant in terms of setting the framework for government action in the coming years. In this blog, the Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) examines both the text of the agreement as well as the events and activities that took place throughout COP21 in Paris with regards to fossil fuel subsidy reform and the phased removal of around US$600 billion of government subsidies to fossil fuels. In summary, there was much momentum on the side-lines of the negotiating process. The content of the agreement itself, from the perspective of moving the issue of fossil fuel subsidy reform, is also a very positive step in the right direction for setting the framework and rules of the game on climate action.

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Videos: Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Climate Change

On Monday, 7th December 2015, the International Institute for Sustainable Development organized an event on Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Climate Change to put a spotlight on the scale and nature of subsidies to fossil fuels, national and international efforts to reform subsidies and the growing momentum behind the International Communiqué to phase out fossil fuel subsidies.

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Financing the Sustainable Development Goals through Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform

In New York this weekend (25–27 September) over 100 heads of state and government attended the UN Sustainable Development Summit to adopt the "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs) – the development agenda for the world for the next fifteen years. The goals cover 17 areas including their "Means of Implementation", which is how these goals will be funded.

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Blog: Eliminating Fossil Fuel Subsidies Still on the Agenda – The International Community Must Now Walk the Talk

The international community reaffirmed commitments on Thursday 16th July 2015, within the Addis Ababa Action Agenda "to rationalize inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption ..."  and "phasing out those harmful subsidies". Fossil fuel subsidy removal remains on the agenda and is as important as ever when governments are squeezed for fiscal space and domestic resource mobilisation.

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