SUNCASA | Alexandra Water Warriors' volunteers removing litter and debris from Jukskei River in Johannesburg.


In Johannesburg, South Africa, SUNCASA will support the revitalization of the Upper Jukskei River catchment, decreasing flooding, improving urban heat management, enhancing water security, supporting livelihoods, expanding green areas, and protecting biodiversity. Gender-responsive nature-based solutions (NbS) will make 1.045 million people more resilient to climate change while also delivering other benefits.

In Johannesburg, alien invasive species in river systems threaten the city’s water security, increasing flood risk and affecting local biodiversity. Communities along the Jukskei also grapple with rising temperatures and heat island effects, particularly in poorer parts with limited adaptive capacity.

The Jukskei catchment encompasses densely developed formal and informal residential areas, agriculture zones, and retail centres. Informal settlements within these regions are especially vulnerable to flooding impacts—damaged infrastructure, loss of goods, and health-related threats are commonplace during flood events.

In collaboration with local partners, SUNCASA will prioritize removing alien invasive species clogging the city’s waterways, rehabilitating the riverbank, managing urban heat, and boosting water security.  Additionally, activities will focus on expanding green spaces through tree planting and horticultural activities to increase indigenous plants and vegetation.

NbS Activities in the Jukskei River Catchment

SUNCASA - Joburg Watershed vertical