IISD Experimental Lakes Area Response to Ontario’s Commitments to Freshwater Protection in Preserving and Protecting our Environment for Future Generations: A Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan
IISD-ELA's response to the Government of Ontario’s Environment Plan that sets out necessary steps and goals to achieve a more sustainable future for the province.
The Government of Ontario’s Environment Plan sets out necessary steps and goals to achieve a more sustainable future for the province, and seeks to safeguard and leverage the great natural resources of our province.
Indeed, this is the foundation of IISD Experimental Lakes Area (IISD-ELA), the world’s freshwater laboratory. Our world-class research facility makes practical and innovative use of Ontario’s natural gifts, setting aside 58 isolated lakes and their watersheds to perform experiments on whole lakes to get a full picture of what is affecting our fresh water.
We are using IISD-ELA’s 50 years of unparalleled experience in freshwater science and policy to respond directly to the plan’s commitments on freshwater environments only.
Our recommendations focus on the importance of scientific evidence to inform environmental policy; the necessity of monitoring, evaluation and transparency mechanisms; and the scope for using new technologies.
Read the full document to learn all of our recommendations to the Government of Ontario.
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