Lake Winnipeg Basin Management: Innovative and strategic approaches and policies

IISD’s work in the Lake Winnipeg basin through its Water Innovation Centre seeks to highlight the role of watershed management in addressing environmental and socioeconomic concerns in the basin through innovative landscape management, policies and programs.

IISD’s work in the Lake Winnipeg basin through its Water Innovation Centre seeks to highlight the role of watershed management in addressing environmental and socioeconomic concerns in the basin through innovative landscape management, policies and programs.

Lake Winnipeg has garnered significant local, regional, national and international attention. Despite its high profile, action on Lake Winnipeg’s basin spans provincial, state and international boundaries and, as a result, responsibilities are sometimes unclear. IISD has been focusing on innovative approaches to maximizing environmental benefits, while ensuring sustainable development through socioeconomic gains and minimizing harmful impacts. By educating, convening and working with stakeholders in the basin, IISD also aims to develop and help implement a sustainable development vision for the Lake Winnipeg watershed.

Project details

Focus area