Solutions for Improved Human Well-Being
The 2011-2012 IISD Annual Report highlights the institute's efforts over the past year to meet the core challenge of its strategic plan—to find solutions through transformative change that improve human well-being.
The strategic plan defines 12 themes encompassing 28 goals to realign macroeconomic policies, management of ecological and social systems, and global environmental governance with sustainability.The annual report contains a series of articles on the work done to date toward achieving selected goals of our strategic plan. In the context of finding solutions for improved human well-being, the cover photo celebrates the progress made toward achieving the Millennium Development Goal related to halving by 2015 the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.The report also includes a list of our funders by strategic plan theme and a summary of our financial performance for the year ending March 31, 2012.See our complete audited financial statement: English (PDF - 105 KB) - Français (PDF - 145 KB).For a free copy of our annual report, please contact
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