Review of Current and Planned Adaptation Action in Pakistan
This report summarizes the climate risks and vulnerable sectors in Pakistan, providing an overview of climate change adaptation policies and initiatives introduced in response at the national and sub-national levels.
This report presents a snapshot of current and planned efforts to advance adaptation to climate change in Pakistan.
It describes how Pakistan’s extensive arid and semi-arid areas, frequent exposure to natural hazards, and significant dependence on monsoon rainfall and the glacier-fed Indus Basin make it vulnerable to climate change. The country’s socioeconomic circumstances further augment its vulnerability as it continues to struggle with slow economic growth, weak governance capacity, a rapidly growing population, ongoing security concerns and gender inequality. Pakistan has taken steps to prepare for climate change, releasing its National Climate Change Policy in 2012 and a framework for implementing this policy in 2013. However, limited progress has been made toward implementation of the actions identified in these documents. A modest amount of internationally funded discrete adaptation programming is occurring in the country, mostly focused on water resource management, agriculture, and disaster risk management, and often being implemented in the country’s high mountain areas and provinces of Punjab and Sindh. Significant engagement, capacity building, knowledge sharing, institutional strengthening, mainstreaming and implementation remain to be undertaken to better enable Pakistan to adapt to climate change. These issues are explored more fully in this report, which is one in a series of country reviews prepared to provide the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) with a snapshot of adaptation action in its countries of engagement.
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