Review of Current and Planned Adaptation Action in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is among the most vulnerable countries to climate change, as two-thirds of its land area is prone to flooding, and its coastlines are exposed to storm surges and tidal floods.
This report provides an overview of drivers of climate vulnerability in Bangladesh, the policies the government has introduced to address these concerns, and the initiatives underway to help prepare for climate change impacts. It describes, for example, how climate risks have been fully or partially integrated into national development plans, but have yet to be mainstreamed into sectoral policies related to forestry, fisheries, health and gender. Bangladesh has also seen many projects and initiatives implemented to prepare for current and future climate change impacts, the majority of which are large infrastructure projects aimed at reducing the impacts of floods, saline water intrusion, sea storm surges and sea level rise. Other sectors and vulnerable regions of the country are still relatively neglected, such as the livestock sector. This report provides an overview of these and other adaptation action in Bangladesh. It is one in a series of country reviews prepared by IISD for the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia.
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