Enhancing Biodiversity Co-Benefits From Nature-Based Solutions
This technical report provides a set of recommendations to help plan, design, and implement nature-based solutions (NbS) for adaptation that enhance biodiversity and ecosystem integrity.
To demonstrate and maximize biodiversity co-benefits, a range of biodiversity and ecosystem function indicators should be explicitly considered, quantified, and monitored over appropriate timelines.
Traditional Knowledge and diverse knowledge systems, alongside a human rights-based approach and meaningful, inclusive stakeholder engagement, are crucial for effective #NatureBasedSolutions that deliver multiple co-benefits.
Protecting and maintaining biodiversity and ecosystems are fundamental to climate resilient development because they play such crucial roles in adaptation and other services to communities.
This report aims to help civil society organizations and actors who are managing or otherwise supporting climate change adaptation and development projects. It responds to a critical knowledge gap in designing, operationalizing, and monitoring “biodiversity-positive” NbS.
It was developed through a review of relevant literature, discussions with experts, and the development and review of case studies. A case studies document also accompanies this report, providing a “deep dive” into the concepts described herein.
Furthermore, an e-learning course provides more information and capacity building on the topic of biodiversity and ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), which is one type of NbS. It was developed by IISD and partners and is offered through the SDG Academy.
This report is part of a compendium of resources developed by the IISD for the Nature for Climate Adaptation Initiative (NCAI), which is supported by Global Affairs Canada.
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