Working With Parliamentarians on Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems
IISD works with parliamentarians to help them strengthen legal and policy frameworks for responsible investment in agriculture in their countries.
While public and private investment in the agricultural sector is a vital component to achieving sustainable development objectives, it must be done in a manner that is responsible and inclusive so as not to exacerbate or perpetuate existing inequalities. Through their legislative, oversight, and representative functions, parliamentarians hold a strategic position: they can inform political and legislative agendas with the purpose of fostering change on the ground.
In order to achieve responsible investment in agriculture and food systems, IISD focuses on two workstreams:
- The Ecowas Network of Parliamentarians on Gender Equality and Investments in Agriculture and Food Security, a network intended to foster inclusive and gender-equitable agricultural investments in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) countries.
- The creation of tools and resources to help parliamentarians strengthen the legal and policy frameworks related to sustainable investment in agriculture and food systems.
Related Projects

ECOWAS Network of Parliamentarians on Gender Equality and Investments in Agriculture and Food Security
A project focused on providing members of the ECOWAS Parliament with knowledge and capacities to advocate for gender-equitable agricultural investment and influence policy processes at national, regional, and international levels.

More and Better Investments Are Needed in Agriculture and Food Systems: What can parliamentarians do about it?
An interactive story by the team about the role of parliamentarians to ensure that investments in agri-food systems are responsible and adequate for reducing hunger and poverty.

Africa Launch | The Role of Parliamentarians in Enhancing Responsible Investments in Agriculture for the Transition Toward More Sustainable Food Systems in Africa
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Institute For Sustainable Development (IISD), the Pan-African Parliament, East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament will jointly organize an event on the role of parliamentarians in enhancing responsible investments in agriculture for the transition toward more sustainable food systems in Africa on Tuesday, December 15, 2020.
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Working With Parliamentarians on Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems
IISD works with parliamentarians to help them strengthen legal and policy frameworks for responsible investment in agriculture in their countries.
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