Food and Agriculture: Emerging Policy Issues
The series highlights and explains emerging issues that affect the resilience and sustainability of food and agriculture systems, particularly in developing countries.
With this series, IISD continues to fulfil its commitment to creating innovative knowledge and spaces for inclusive and informed debate on how best to achieve sustainable and equitable food and agriculture systems. The series is designed to help governments, parliamentarians, civil society organizations, farmers, the private sector, and regional and international organizations to understand the risks, benefits, and policy issues raised by new and emerging issues in food and agriculture systems.
The series will contribute to the full and informed participation of developing country governments and their societies in the development of just and sustainable national, regional and global food and agriculture systems, focused in particular on legal and institutional frameworks for investment and trade.
Emerging Policy Issues
Carbon Offset Deals and the Risks of "Green Grabbing"
Governments must ensure land-based investments for carbon removal respect the access and tenure rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities.
The Sustainable Agriculture Transition: How to make the most of transformative technology
This Emerging Issues policy brief focuses on the potential transformative nature of solar photovoltaics and batteries when applied as solar-powered irrigation and is intended to highlight the risks and opportunities associated with these technologies.
Past Policy Briefs | Investment in Agriculture series
The IISD series of policy briefs on investment in agriculture was generously supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The Farmer and Her Husband: Legal innovations for women in contract farming
Read our policy brief to learn how contracts, if designed with women’s interests in mind, can help foster more balanced relationships between farmers and buyers, as well as female farmers and their husbands.

Financing Rural Infrastructure: Priorities and pathways for ending hunger: Investment in Agriculture Policy Brief #7
Read our policy brief to discover how financing infrastructure will help provide food security for the 821 million people estimated to live in hunger worldwide.

The Rise of Agricultural Growth Poles in Africa: Investment in Agriculture Policy Brief #6
Africa has seen the emergence of 36 agricultural growth poles and 9 corridors over the past 15 years. They cover at least 3.5 million hectares of land in 23 countries. Ensuring that the new wave of agropoles and growth corridors is effective requires robust policies, laws and practices to ensure that a possible new trend of investment helps Africa achieve the sustainable development goals the continent has set.

How to Improve Gender Equality in Agriculture: Investment in Agriculture Policy Brief #5
In this policy brief, we explore how global standards and guidelines contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment, and whether more can be done through these instruments to improve the situation of women in agriculture.

Investing in Land for Water: The converging legal regimes Policy Brief #4 Investment in Agriculture
This policy brief presents the different sources of law that are triggered by the use of water for farmland investments, and makes recommendations to help reconcile different legal regimes while ensuring water issues are adequately addressed.

Financing for Agriculture: How to boost opportunities in developing countries Policy Brief #3 Investment in Agriculture
This policy brief explores the financial needs of agriculture in developing countries and the instruments available to address these needs.

Inclusive Investment in Agriculture: Cooperatives and the role of foreign investment Policy Brief #2 Investment in Agriculture

The Global Response to Foreign Investment in Agriculture Policy Brief #1
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