NBI Deep Dive: Valuing Forest Restoration in Indonesia, a Case Study of the Brantas River
In this final session on water in our NBI Deep Dive series, we demonstrate the benefits of forest restoration through a case study on the Brantas River basin in Indonesia. Here, deforestation for agriculture has led to increased soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and decreased water retention. These impacts have made floods more severe, reduced groundwater recharge, and exacerbated water scarcity in the dry season. The project aims to restore the degraded land and improve water management in the Brantas River catchment—for example, by establishing upstream agroforestry systems and constructing wells and biopori holes to increase water absorption.
In this webinar, we take you step-by-step through the Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) of forest restoration in the Brantas River basin. The assessment quantified the ecosystem services and economic impacts of the planned reforestation and water retention wells. We explain how we developed a causal loop diagram and spreadsheet-based model, how we integrated climate data and results from spatial modelling, and how we calculated financial indicators for the project. Taking all these elements into account, we conclude with an integrated cost-benefit analysis of the interventions and explain how stakeholders can use the results.
- Emma Cutler
System Dynamics Analyst for Economic Law and Policy, IISD
- Ronja Bechauf
Policy Analyst for Economic Law and Policy, IISD
About the NBI Deep Dive Series
This series will focus on the technical aspects of our Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) methodology, providing in-depth explanations of our process as well as applied examples in the form of case studies. The first three sessions will feature Nature-based Infrastructure (NBI) projects that address water-related challenges, alongside the UN 2023 Water Conference.
We will look at systems modelling, spatial modelling, and financial modelling of various case studies to give the method context and explain its practical application.
These sessions are intended as a further building block from our training sessions, providing technical depth on the methods of assessing the value of specific NBI projects. We also hope to raise awareness on the importance of integrated assessments and scenario analysis, valuing all social, economic and environmental risks and opportunities for NBI projects.
Other events
NBI Deep Dive: Methodologies for Valuing NBI for Water Management
In the first webinar of the NBI Deep Dive series, we explain our Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) methodology, which uses a combination of system dynamics and spatial modelling, climate data, and financial analysis to assess the environmental, social, and economic performance of infrastructure assets. We use case studies of mangrove restoration in Indonesia and natural stormwater solutions in Johannesburg, South Africa.
NBI Deep Dive: The Value of Wetland Restoration in Colombia
In the second session of our NBI Deep Dive series, we focus on a Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) case study of wetland restoration in La Mojana, Colombia.
Addressing Climate Change and Nutrition for Improving Health Outcomes: A deep dive
Join us online for a discussion on global-level linkages between climate change and nutritional and health outcomes in children.
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A workshop to dive into the negotiation process for the UN Tax Convention protocols, exploring key areas of international tax cooperation.