Procurement, Innovation and Green Growth: The story continues...
IISD and the Partnership for Procurement and Green Growth conducted an investigation to explore the correlation between public procurement and the tipping point at which it serves as a trigger for green industrial innovation, expansion and growth.
Building on the existing body of work that supports the case for green public procurement, the report demonstrates that procurement is becoming more than just a purchasing tool, but is increasingly positioned as an economic driver, an incentive for green innovation and green industrialisation, a support for small and medium enterprise (SME) competitiveness and much more.The report begins with a brief description of the role of procurement within the green growth paradigm and an introduction to key concepts. It then goes on to present 15 in-depth case studies gathered from within industry and the public sector to share experiences in applying procurement to the achievement of green growth aims. The paper concludes by highlighting possible policy implications arising from the report and identifies areas where further investigation is required to enable procurement to serve as a more potent trigger for green innovation and growth.Foreword by the Hon. Ida Auken, Minister for the Environment, Denmark
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