Nicole Schabus

Writer/Editor Earth Negotiations Bulletin

Nicole Schabus (LL.M., MBA) is a long-term team member and writer for the Earth Negotiations Bulletin. Her work has focused on covering negotiations under the Convention on Biological Diversity, along with a series of other international environmental negotiations. Without dating herself and her time with ENB, she has seen through the whole negotiations on the Nagoya Protocol and the Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress under the Cartagena Protocol, and their implementation since. 

Nicole calls Secwepemec'ulecw her home base, and continues to work with Indigenous Peoples, where she teaches at the first law school in the Interior of British Columbia, including in the fields of constitutional law, environmental law and Indigenous Peoples and Canadian law. One of the focuses of her research has been indigenous knowledge and law and she brings this to the international negotiations.

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Earth Negotiations Bulletin