ITN  |  May 11, 2009

¿Derribando el TLCAN?

Por Howard Mann, Asesor Senior en Derecho Internacional del Instituto Internacional de Desarrollo Sostenible 2 de Mayo 2009 El 31 de marzo de 2009 Dow AgroSciences LLC, subsidiaria de la […]

ITN May 2009

ITN May 2009 In this issue: Malaysian Historical Salvors jurisdictional award annulled; Tribunal disqualifies claim by Phoenix Action against the Czech Republic; Tribunal rejects countermeasures defense in recently published Corn […]

ITN  |  May 3, 2009

German government mum on Vattenfall ECT Claim

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 2 May 2009 The German government has declined to provide information on an investment dispute with the European utility Vattenfall on the grounds that it is against government […]

ITN  |  April 30, 2009

Do Bilateral Investment Treaties Lead to More Foreign Investment?

By Damon Vis-Dunbar and Henrique Suzy Nikiema 30 April 2009 The global network of over 2600 bilateral investment treaties (BITs) has been built on the basis of promoting foreign direct […]

ITN  |  April 29, 2009

IISD Announcement: Nathalie Bernasconi joins IISD’s investment program

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is pleased to announce that Nathalie Bernasconi, a Swiss-based international lawyer with an extensive background in trade and investment law, has joined the IISD’s […]

ITN  |  April 29, 2009

Mexican truckers group launches NAFTA Chapter 11 dispute against the U.S. over trucking ban

By Fernando Cabrera Diaz 28 April 2009 The Mexican trucking industry group CANACAR has initiated Chapter 11 arbitration against the United States, alleging that the U.S. has violated its NAFTA […]

ITN  |  April 28, 2009

Tribunal rejects the Defense of Countermeasures in recently published Corn Products International Inc. v. The United Mexican States award

By Elizabeth Whitsitt 28 April 2009 In a recently published ICSID award, a tribunal found Mexico liable to an American company, Corn Products International Inc. (CPI) and its wholly-owned Mexican […]

ITN  |  April 23, 2009

Malaysian Historical Salvors jurisdictional award annulled; committee split on question of economic development as criteria of ICSID investments

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 23 April 2009 The members of an ICSID committee hearing an annulment request in Malaysian Historical Salvors v. the Government of Malaysia have come to starkly different […]

ITN Newsletter April 2009

ITN April 2009 In this issue: ICSID tribunal dismisses RSM Production Corporation’s claim against Grenada; CIT Group settles with Argentina; An interview with the former Attorney General of Pakistan, Makhdoom […]

ITN  |  April 2, 2009

European miners and South Africa suspend proceedings

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 2 April 2009 (Note: a correction has been made to this article. An explanation is posted below). A group of European’s with a stake in South Africa’s […]

ITN  |  March 30, 2009

CIT Group settles with Argentina

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 30 March 2009 The American finance company CIT Group has reached a settlement with Argentina, bringing to close ICSID arbitration proceedings which began in 2003. CIT Group […]

ITN  |  March 27, 2009

Meg Kinnear electa como Secretaria General del CIADI

Por Damon Vis-Dunbar 3 de marzo 2009 Una ciudadana canadiense fue electa como la nueva secretaria del Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones (CIADI) del Banco Mundial, […]

ITN  |  March 16, 2009

Argentina ordered to place US$75 million in escrow pending annulment decision on Sempra award

By Fernando Cabrera Diaz 16 March 2009 An ad-hoc committee formed under the rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has ordered Argentina to put up […]

ITN  |  March 5, 2009

Recently Published: Regional Trade Agreements: Law, Policy and Practice

4 March 2009 Recently Published Regional Trade Agreements: Law, Policy and Practice, By David A. Gantz, Carolina Academic Press, 2009.  This volume is designed to introduce the reader to the world of […]

ITN  |  March 5, 2009

Letter to the Editor: ICSID elects new Secretary-General

4 March 2009 Dear Sir, The lead article in the March 2009 issue of ITN regarding the election of Ms. Kinnear as ICSID Secretary-General is couched in unfortunate prose.  The […]

ITN  |  March 4, 2009

European Court of Justice rules that certain Swedish and Austrian BITs are incompatible with the EC Treaty

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that certain clauses in Sweden and Austria’s bilateral investment treaties are incompatible with the European Community (EC) Treaty.

ITN  |  March 3, 2009

Recently Published: Law and Practice of Investment Treaties

3 March 2009 Recently PublishedLaw and Practice of Investment Treaties: Standards and Treatment, By Andrew Newcombe and Lluís Paradell, Kluwer Law International, 2009. A new book on international investment law […]

ITN  |  March 3, 2009

Meg Kinnear elected as Secretary-General of ICSID

By Damon Vis-Dunbar  3 March 2009 A Canadian national has been elected as the new Secretary-General of the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the high-profile […]

ITN  |  February 17, 2009

NAFTA fifteen years later: the successes, failures and future prospects of Chapter 11

By Elizabeth Whitsitt 16 February 2009 Fifteen years ago the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) entered into force and became the first regional trade agreement between a developing country […]

ITN  |  February 6, 2009

U.S. academics urge the Obama administration to improve the international investment regime

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 6 February 2009 Faculty at Columbia University in New York have called on U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration to address “imperfections” in the international legal regime that […]

ITN  |  January 29, 2009

Parties file memorials in long-running NAFTA dispute over U.S. tobacco settlements; Canada intervenes with opinion on customary international law related to aboriginal rights

By Fernando Cabrera and Damon Vis-Dunbar 29 January 2009 The Canadian tobacco manufacturer Grand River Enterprises Six Nations and the United State have filed memorials in a long-running NAFTA Chapter […]

ITN  |  January 22, 2009

The United Kingdom tight-lipped over dispute with an Indian investor

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 22 January 2009 The United Kingdom has formally declined to release a notice of arbitration delivered by an Indian citizen under the UK-India bilateral investment treaty, explaining […]

ITN  |  January 16, 2009

Continental Casualty Company moves to annul award favourable to Argentina

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 16 January 2009 The Illinois-based Continental Casualty Company has moved to annul an ICSID award that was largely in favour of the Republic of Argentina. In a […]

ITN  |  January 15, 2009

Canadian pharmaceutical company alleges denial of justice in claim against the United States

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 15 January 2009 A Canadian pharmaceutical company delivered a notice of arbitration to the United States government in December 2008 under NAFTA’s Chapter 11 on investment. The […]

ITN  |  January 9, 2009

Tribunal pierces the corporate veil in jurisdictional decision involving Argentina

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 9 January 2009 Two out of three members of an ICSID tribunal have declined jurisdiction in a claim brought by TSA Spectrum de Argentina S.A. (TSA) against […]

ITN  |  December 23, 2008

Argentina takes the offensive as Siemens pleads guilty to corruption charges

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 23 December 2008 Argentina has refused calls by Siemens to suspend proceedings at the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in which a committee […]

ITN  |  December 15, 2008

Se Debaten Méritos de Arbitraje entre Inversor-Estado en Seminario de Arbitraje Internacional auspiciado por Fiscal General ecuatoriano

Por Fernando Cabrera Díaz 9 de Diciembre, 2008 El 1-2 de diciembre Noticias sobre Tratados de Inversión asistió a un seminario de dos días sobre arbitraje internacional en Quito, Ecuador, […]

ITN  |  December 12, 2008

El Salvador warned of CAFTA-DR lawsuit by mining company

By Damon Vis-Dunbar 12 December 2008 A Canadian mining company and its American subsidiary have threatened the government of El Salvador with a lawsuit after it failed to receive regulatory […]

ITN  |  December 10, 2008

re: Investment Arbitration in Brazil: Yes or No?

As an arbitrator and one who does not have any connection with the Brazilian legal system, I  can more particularly identify with the views of Weiler and de Oliveira. I […]

ITN  |  December 8, 2008

Arbitrajes de Inversión en Brasil: ¿Si o No?

Por Elizabeth Whitsitt y Damon Vis-Dunbar 30 de Noviembre de 2008 En 1991, Brasil inició uno de los programas de privatización más grandes del mundo, vendiendo más de US$100 mil […]