IISD Model Contract Clauses for Responsible Investment in Agriculture:

Customizable legal provisions to help implement international best practices, principles, and guidance on responsible agricultural investment

15. Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

15.1 In accordance with Section 5, the Company or an independent expert recognized as having expertise in agriculture and climate change engaged by the Company at its own expense, shall prepare a Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (the Climate Change Assessment), which shall comply with the requirements of the [Applicable Law] /[insert any other applicable standard for Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessments].

15.2 The Climate Change Assessment shall identify:

(a) Climatic hazards relevant to the Project including projected changes in climatic conditions and how they are likely to potentially affect people of all genders and social groups, including Legitimate Tenure Rights Holders, Indigenous Peoples, the Local Community, Workers, [Contract Farmers] and any other person likely to be impacted by the Project;

(b) potentially affected Project assets and infrastructure;

(c) the likelihood of the identified climatic hazards occurring and the resulting consequences of the climate change impacts; and

(d) the exposure and sensitivity, and adaptive capacity of potentially affected people of all genders and social groups, and potentially affected assets and infrastructure, to the climate change impacts identified.

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