IISD Model Contract Clauses for Responsible Investment in Agriculture:

Customizable legal provisions to help implement international best practices, principles, and guidance on responsible agricultural investment

43. Chemical and Waste Management


43.1 The company shall comply with the Applicable Law regarding the handling, transport, storage, and use of all chemicals in the Project Area, including fertilizers, fumigants, fungicides, pesticides, and herbicides. This shall include, where applicable, laws and regulations governing Worker safety and human health as well as environmental protection.

43.2 The Company shall ensure that all Workers working with chemicals are trained and certified (where applicable) in the handling and use of all chemicals. This includes, when appropriate, separate training for women and men that is adapted to the specific activities they perform, the hazards to which they are exposed and the different health consequences of those hazards, and to their literacy levels.

43.3 The Company shall ensure that pregnant and breastfeeding women are not engaged in any work with hazardous chemicals.

43.4 The Company shall follow manufacturers’ guidelines and directions regarding the dosage, dilution, application, and expiry dates of all chemicals, and shall report all chemical accidents or spills to the relevant authorities.

43.5 The Company shall maintain a record, using Gender-Disaggregated Data that distinguishes accidents, illnesses, and other incidents related to damage or potential damage from chemicals experienced by women and men.

43.6 The Company shall comply with the Applicable Law relating to waste management and shall endeavour to develop approaches to reduce the consumption of the Project and to recycle production materials and waste products generated by the Project.

For more information: See generally IISD, 2014, Section 9.5 (Pollution and Chemical Management); ISLP & CCSI, 2016, Section 2.12.2 (Pollution Prevention); UNIDROIT & IFAD, 2021, Sections 4.118. (Prohibition of Certain Chemicals in Agriculture) and 4.121. (Adopting Sound Management of Waste).

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