China, the EU and International Investment Law: Reforming investor–state dispute settlement

By Yuwen Li, Tong Qi and Cheng Bian (Eds.), published by Routledge, October 2019
This book analyzes subjects being negotiated in the China–EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI). It focuses on the pathway of reforming ISDS from both Chinese and European perspectives. Part I examines critical and controversial issues, including market access, sustainable development and human rights, as well as comparing distinct features between the China–EU CAI and the China–United States BIT. Part II focuses on the institutional reform of investor–state arbitration with an analysis of the EU approach to replacing the private nature of investment arbitration with the public nature of an investment court. Part III addresses the core substantive and procedural issues concerning ISDS, such as the role of domestic courts, the status of state-owned enterprises as investors, transparency and the protection of victims in investment dispute resolution. Available at