IGF Guidance for Governments: Local content policies

By Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF), Published by IISD, July 2018

The guidance focuses on mining sector local content policies—a suite of policies aimed at leveraging mining investment to, for example, increase local employment, boost mining companies’ local purchases and foster entrepreneurs in non-mining sectors. It aims to help resource-rich countries move away from commodity dependency and diversify their economic base. Local content policies are being increasingly used, particularly as governments review or revise their mining and investment codes and contracts. The guidance document also covers three cross-cutting themes: ensuring goals are achieved in a gender-equitable way, exploring the relationship between local content policies and countries’ obligations under trade and investment law, and exploring the implications of technological advances on the success of local content policies. Available at https://www.iisd.org/library/igf-guidance-governments-local-content-policies