20 Years of the Environmental Integrity Group in Global Climate Governance: Lessons and prospects
Through an initial idea, a twist of fate, and skilled diplomacy, the Environmental Integrity Group (EIG) found its way to the climate change negotiations in 2000 and has been an important coalition ever since.
For 20 years, the Environmental Integrity Group has "punched above its weight" in #climate negotiations. A new report explores EIG's impact and future.
The Environmental Integrity Group has prioritized a human rights-based and gender-sensitive approach in @UNFCCC negotiations both before and after the #ParisAgreement.
The Environmental Integrity Group (Mexico, Liechtenstein, Monaco, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland, and Georgia) bridges the gap in #climate negotiations between developed and developing countries.
Comprised of Mexico, Liechtenstein, Monaco, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland, and Georgia, the EIG bridges the gap in international climate negotiations between developed and developing countries. Through its shaping of the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement over two decades, the coalition has shown the effectiveness possible when countries form alliances not based on regional, ideological, or economic identity—but rather on shared values, principles, and approaches.
In “20 Years of the Environmental Integrity Group in Global Climate Governance: Lessons and Prospects,” delegates representing all its member states reflect on the history and purpose of the EIG and its contribution to the making and remaking of global rules for the climate. From telling the story of how the coalition formed, sharing insights on its role in the UNFCCC process, and offering stories of how individual members are separately advancing global climate governance, the book turns to the future and our collective challenge of turning climate ambition into action.
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