Valuing Transport Infrastructure and Supporting Sustainable Mobility

Investments in transport and mobility are a critical component of any development strategy: ​they result in job creation, provide access to markets and public services and, when low carbon, also reduce emissions and air pollution, avoid health costs, and improve health conditions.​

The general goals of this project are threefold​:

  1. To review strategic frameworks, methods, and models for sustainable transport.​
  2. To generate evidence of the societal benefits of a variety of projects, considering direct, indirect, and induced social, economic, and environmental project outcomes.​​
  3. To inform decision making for upscaling investments in sustainable transport, also in the context of green and resilient recovery packages.​

The project will specifically estimate investment avoided costs and added benefits of sustainable transport based on social, economic, and environmental indicators with a view of informing and influencing decision making on project selection, financing strategy, and implementation

The project will also focus on the macro-economic level by providing an estimation of the contribution of sustainable transport to national sustainable development, considering its role in strengthening growth and in reducing public and private costs.

Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) Network in Coimbatore, India

The Coimbatore City Municipality Corporation identified 300 km of non-motorized transport (NMT) routes throughout their city, and the network is being implemented over the next 15 years. The plan will benefit around 60% of the city’s population and improve the local environment. Our SAVi assessment integrates a monetary valuation of social and environmental impacts, such as health and CO2 emissions (as well as economic benefits), into the traditional cost-benefit analysis process often used to assess transport infrastructure decisions. This project is highly profitable in terms of added economic, social, and environmental benefits and reduced costs for the city, which add up to USD 486.1 million.

Bus Rapid Transit Network in Bandung, Indonesia

The introduction of a bus rapid transit (BRT) system, following the example of Jakarta, is being planned in five Indonesian cities. Feasibility studies have been carried out, and a financing agreement has been confirmed for Bandung. ​The BRT is expected to improve access to transport while reducing congestion, energy costs, and exposure to air pollution.​ We will estimate the socio-economic and environmental benefits of the implementation of BRT in five cities and will assess their contribution to the national Net Zero plan.

Mass-Rapid Transit System in Bogota, Colombia

The average resident of Bogota loses 191 hours annually stuck in traffic. This is because, according to the TomTom Traffic Index, Bogota topped the charts as the most congested metro area in the world in 2022. We worked with the city government of Bogota to conduct a SAVi assessment of their new metro line, currently under construction and expected to become operational by 2028.