Teaching Tools

Here EIA teachers can find some key resources to support their work.

The EIA Accreditation Process

An overview of education and accreditation in Canada and the United States in North America, and Costa Rica and Panama in Central America.

EIA Sample Lesson Plan & Curriculum Focusing on Central America

A lesson plan that assists teachers in using the materials on this website to conduct a four day workshop. The learning activities are centred on national EIA procedures, with a focus on Central American countries in general and on Honduras specifically.

EIA Test Questions

Forty questions and an accompanying answer key designed to help assess knowledge about EIA essentials and each of the 7 steps.

EIA Curriculum – downloadable training manual

An offline version of all the content in this website, in the format of a downloadable PDF document (size: 4.65MB).

Bibliographical References

A list of articles relevant to EIA published by range of organizations. Many of the articles are freely available on the internet.