Fisheries Subsidies: Estimating impact of new rules

This lunchtime seminar will provide negotiators with perspectives on the potential impact of new rules on fisheries subsidies through the presentation of preliminary findings from case studies of three fisheries around the world. Each case study examines the state of each fishery, including the level of exploitation of relevant stocks and the fishery’s governance. The studies also examine the economics of the fleets fishing in each fishery, including estimates of their revenues from landings and subsidies and costs of operation. The studies then examine how possible rules on subsidies might impact on the economic situation of fleets in the fishery and, where subsidy rules might have an impact, what possible options exist for managing the impact of subsidy reform.
13:00-13:30 Light lunch available outside Room S2
13:30-13:35 Opening remarks
Alice Tipping, Lead - Fisheries Subsidies, IISD
13:35-14:30 Presentation of case studies
Shrimp fisheries in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
Andrés Cisneros Montemayor, Programme Manager, Nereus Program, University of British Columbia
Sardinella fishery in the Eastern Atlantic
Dyhia Belhabib, Principal Investigator - Fisheries, Ecotrust Canada
Southern longline tuna fishery in the Western Central Pacific
Sevaly Sen, Director, Oceanomics
14:30 – 15:00 Open discussion
15:00 Closing Remarks
Alice Tipping, Lead - Fisheries Subsidies, IISD
Practical Information
Tuesday 9 July 2019 | 13:00-15:00 | Room S2, WTO | Rue de Lausanne 154, 1202 Geneva
Attendance is by invitation only. Please email Eleonora Bonaccorsi by Friday 5 July to express interest.