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A discussion paper published in June by the GSI aims to encourage the development of an internationally recognized methodology for quantifying irrigation subsidies. To date, a variety of methods have been used to measure subsidies for irrigation. The fact that these methods are not comparable has hampered efforts to discipline subsidies at an international level.*

Towards a Common Methodology for Measuring Irrigation Subsidies”, by Dr. Ravinder Malik an irrigation subsidy expert working with the University of New Delhi, reviews the most common methods for quantifying irrigation subsidies at a project, regional or national level. The paper is not intended to favour any particular approach over another, but rather provides a starting point for a discussion on an internationally agreed methodology.

Dr. Malik’s paper also reflects advice offered during a conference co-hosted by the GSI and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) held on the 26-27 March 2008, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The GSI is continuing to collaborate with irrigation subsidy specialists as it works towards a common methodology.

For more information about the need for a common methodology for measuring irrigation subsidies, see the March 2008 issue of Subsidy Watch, available by clicking here.