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Energy Subsidies in Other Countries


The True Price of Energy in Asia: Pricing Non-Costed Externalities

There are signs aplenty in rural Asia of the profligate use of energy - electrical and fossil fuel - but little evidence that such use is being assessed against its true costs. This is because supplying cheap power (and in some cases free power) is a valuable political lever. In rural Asia, the value of such 'support' can be judged by the scale of popular opposition to its withdrawal.

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Studies: U.S. industry group attacks China's subsidies to steel

A report released in January by a US steel industry group attempts to build the case that China's subsidies to its steel industry are in violation of its WTO commitments. China's steel production and consumption has expanded rapidly in recent years; in 2005 China become a net steel importer, a development directly correlated with generous energy subsidies that benefit the steel industry, according to the report.

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