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Subsidy research organization Earth Track has published a new report on fossil-fuel subsidies: A Review of Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Colorado, Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Wyoming.

The research adds new data to the body of knowledge on producer subsidies, the exact nature and size of which, at a global scale, is still poorly understood. It also emphasizes the importance of identifying and quantifying subsidy policies at the state as well as the national level.

It was not possible for the study to quantify the full costs of the subsidies due to insufficiently detailed and disaggregated data. The authors call on state-level researchers to continue to build on the data sets and improve the knowledge base on state-level fossil-fuel subsidies.

The report sets out a comprehensive set of conclusions about how state-level subsidies are and should be managed. Its overarching conclusion is that there is clearly a need for much greater transparency and systematic evaluation rules for sub-national fossil-fuel subsidies.

The study can be downloaded from the Earth Track website.