Quarterly Journal (May 2014)

Note: In October of 2005, the Investment Law and Policy News Bulletin was rebranded as Investment Treaty News (ITN). This archive contains past editions of the earlier News Bulletin, as well as more recent editions of ITN.

ITN  |  May 14, 2014

Resources and Events

Resources Recent Development’s in Investor-State Dispute Settlement United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, April 2014 UNCTAD’s annual review of investor-State dispute settlement cases, part of the IIA Issues Notes […]

ITN  |  May 14, 2014

Awards and Decisions

ICSID tribunal finds jurisdiction over mining license dispute involving British and Australian companies in Indonesia Churchill Mining Plc v. Republic of Indonesia ICSID Case No. & Planet Mining Pty Ltd […]

ITN  |  May 14, 2014

News in Brief

UNCITRAL launches new transparency registry The UNCITRAL Secretariat has established a transparency registry[1] that will function as a repository for the publication of information and documents in treaty-based investor-State arbitration. […]

Importing Consent to ICSID Arbitration? A Critical Appraisal of Garanti Koza v. Turkmenistan

This brief article provides a critical examination of the tribunal’s decision in Garanti Koza LLP v. Turkmenistan, where the majority took a particularly expansive reading of the MFN clause in the United Kingdom-Turkmenistan BIT.

ICSID’s Annulment Decision in Impregilo v. Argentina: Finality of Awards v. Legal Correctness

On January 24, 2014, an ICSID ad-hoc annulment committee dismissed a request by the Argentine Republic to annul a June 2011 arbitral award for harm suffered to an investment in a Buenos Aires water services concession. While this was one of the smaller awards rendered against Argentina, it is nonetheless of utmost significance for Argentina and all countries facing claims under investment treaties.

Improving Investment Treaties through General Exceptions Provisions: The Australian Example

The recent Australian elections were decided mostly by domestic policy issues, but their outcome had an impact beyond the border as the new government decided to rethink Australia’s somewhat unique view on the international investment regime. In changing course, has the Australian government simply joined the rest of the world?

The Practice of Responsible Investment Principles in Larger-Scale Agricultural Investments

The recent and ongoing trend towards corporate, especially foreign, investment in developing countries’ agricultural sectors has evoked sharply contrasting attitudes. For some, this “rediscovery” of agriculture as a focus of investment provides opportunities to again promote the sector within the larger agenda of economic development. For others, it has raised serious concerns about whether such investments, especially those involving large scale land acquisitions, are conducted in a manner which respects people’s rights, livelihoods and resources.