To Reduce Global Plastic Pollution, Governments Should Tackle Most Problematic Products First
The relentless flow of plastic into the global ocean—already a threat to marine life and ecosystems—is on track to rise further, in large part because experts project that plastic production worldwide will double over the next two decades—which in turn would fuel a tripling of the amount of plastic waste entering the ocean each year.
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Source to Sea: Integrating the water agenda in 2023
2023 could prove to be a definitive year for facilitating an integrative perspective on water issues, from fresh water to the marine environment.
Commerce des espèces menacées : la COP 19 prévoit de réglementer plus de 500 espèces supplémentaires (in French)
La 19e Conférence des parties à la Cites se termine sur un bilan plutôt positif en prévoyant de réglementer le commerce de plus de 500 espèces supplémentaires. Mais cela signifie aussi que le nombre d'espèces menacées augmente.
Battling to define success after the WTO summit
It’s a little over three days after the World Trade Organization ministerial came to an agreement as dawn broke over Lake Geneva, and I’m sure some attendees are still catching up on sleep. There’s been a veritable banquet since of hot takes for you to choose from. Among the more thoughtful and optimistic are this thread from academic and former WTO official Nicolas Lamp and this on the fishing subsidies issue from piscine guru Alice Tipping. In today’s main piece I talk with Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the institution’s director-general, who was very pugnacious indeed in declaring the ministerial a success, and muse on a couple of themes about how negotiations work and what they mean.
Addressing Carbon Leakage: A toolkit
As countries adopt ambitious climate policies, this toolkit examines strategies to prevent carbon leakage—when production and emissions shift to nations with weaker climate policies—and explores the trade-offs of each approach.