
Summary of CRiSTAL: Community-based Risk Screening Tool - Adaptation & Livelihoods

By on April 3, 2011

CRiSTAL (Community-based Risk Screening Tool - Adaptation and Livelihoods) is a project planning and management tool that helps users to integrate risk reduction and climate change adaptation into their community-level work.

Developed by the International Institute for Sustainable Development in partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Stockholm Environment Institute, and Inter cooperation, the tool provides an analytical framework to help users understand: how climate-related hazards affect a project area and local livelihoods; how people cope with the impacts of these hazards; livelihood resources that are most affected by climate hazards and those that are most important for coping; how project activities affect access to or availability of these livelihood resources; and what adjustments can be made to a project to increase access to or availability of these livelihood resources. The recently updated "Summary of CRiSTAL brochure" explains the objectives, background and application process of CRiSTAL. It also provides contact details and links to further resources on the CRiSTAL website.

Guide details

Climate Change Adaptation
Focus area
IISD, 2011