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Energy Subsidies in Bangladesh

The GSI’s program of work in Bangladesh undertakes research and policy engagement on subsidies for fuel consumers and renewable energy.


  • Reduce overall fossil fuel subsidy expenditure
  • Improve the fair social distribution of subsidy expenditure
  • Ensuring that subsidy reforms are gender sensitive and promote gender equality
  • Increase clean energy access and use, particularly among poorer households

In carrying forward this work, the Global Subsidies Initiative has collaborated primarily with the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS).

Reports: Energy Sector in Bangladesh: An agenda for reforms

The Government of Bangladesh has committed to ensuring access to affordable and reliable electricity for all citizens by 2021. This report addresses the key priority issues for reform in the energy sector along with an agenda for its progressive implementation. It starts with an overview of energy subsidies in Bangladesh, before surveying the country’s energy sector development plans, with an emphasis on the electricity sector. Finally, the report discusses the important role that energy pricing policy will play in achieving the government’s objectives.

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Blog: Bangladesh Roundtable on Fossil-Fuel Subsidy Reform

BANGLADESH– 27-28 November 2012 – To help share experiences on the successes and challenges with fossil-fuel subsidy reform in Bangladesh, the IISD-GSI, in partnership with the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), held two-days of events in Dhaka. On 27th November a roundtable meeting was held with key government agencies and power sector stakeholders to discuss energy price reform.

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News: Bangladesh Increases Fuel Prices for the Second Time in Four Months

The Bangladesh government lifts fuel prices by a maximum of 19% per litre to reduce the subsidy on imports of petroleum products, according to Bangladeshi newspaper The Daily Star. Prices of diesel, petrol, octane and kerosene will rise by BDT 5 (US$ 0.07). Bangladesh increased fuel prices for the second time in more than four months in a move that economists fear will fuel inflation.

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The True Price of Energy in Asia: Pricing Non-Costed Externalities

There are signs aplenty in rural Asia of the profligate use of energy - electrical and fossil fuel - but little evidence that such use is being assessed against its true costs. This is because supplying cheap power (and in some cases free power) is a valuable political lever. In rural Asia, the value of such 'support' can be judged by the scale of popular opposition to its withdrawal.

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